We are working with clinicians, neuroimagers, and software developers to develop an open source platform for the storage, sharing, synthesis and meta-analysis of human clinical data to the service of the clinical and cognitive neuroscience community so that the future of neuropsychology can be transdiagnostic, open, and FAIR.
Following the steps of what enable a similar transition in functional neuroimaging, we are breaking down our over-ambitious goal in two stages: (1) create a meta-analytical platform covering lesion-related data hence allowing causal inferences; (2) a data-sharing platform taylored to clinical needs.
Nov 23th 2022 - Dec 9th 2022,
June 16st 2022 - June 18st 2022,
April 1st - 2022,
February 1st - 2022,
Click here to try out our automated meta-analysis of neuropsychological data.
Click here to share your neuropsychological data.
Click here to search our database of neuropsychological data.
Given the topic X, it produces a brain map predicting where a functional study on that topic is likely report activations.
Given the topic X, it produces a brain map assessing the consistency of the associated functional observations in the literature.
A place to store and share unthresholded statistical maps, parcellations, and atlases from MRI and PET studies.
A project developing knowledge base for cognitive neuroscience - what tasks are we talking about? what cognitive processes?
All the references that we can use.
New guidelines for phenotypic data in Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)